Reservation of Meeting Rooms


SharePoint 2013


Smart system for meeting room reservation management


Automotive, Banking & Finance, Rail Transportation


Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Canada, Ireland, the UK, Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, the US


20 MDs


In a business of any size or focus, special attention must be paid to facility management.

Therefore, it is not at all surprising that several clients have turned to our SharePoint Team for help in this matter - and asked us to develop a smart system for the reservation of meeting rooms and other assets, including car fleets, computer devices and inventory systems. As each client has different needs and preferences, our product is never just a "one size fits all" piece of software. We'll never make our clients settle for the standard - but will always offer a truly customized solution that fits perfectly into the client's preferred workflow.


We start with a series of personal meetings between the client and our SharePoint project manager to work out project details and cost issues.

Then, we swiftly proceed to the development stage that involves a three-person team. The team - one of our SharePoint developers, tester, and the project manager - stays in close contact with the customer using email and phone calls. This communication is very important to us because we want to make sure the client's ideas and suggestions significantly shape our work process - and become a part of the custom solution that we aim to deliver. That's how we can be confident that the end result matches the client's vision.


We based our reservation systems on custom SharePoint workflows within its calendar, but also extended the capabilities to accommodate client requests. As a result, we've added a whole host of features absent in the standard software. These include:

Automatic food ordering for the meeting attendees, and management of the in-house billing

Approval system for meeting room reservations

Flexible time frames for room schedules (hours - days)

Reservations for various locations

Interactive meeting schedule display in the company lobby


For each client, our team of SharePoint Experts has delivered and deployed their reservation system on time and with all of the requested features. But our work did not end there - customer care doesn't end with project completion. We wanted to take extra steps to make sure our customers were fully satisfied and comfortable. That meant staying in close touch to provide SharePoint support services or assistance if needed. But it also meant giving our clients the option of integrating additional features into the software. We recognize that companies are living, growing entities; so if a company needs new integration solutions that go beyond the originally agreed-upon feature set, we'll only be too happy to fulfill their requests.