.NET a C#
Czech Republic, Slovakia
4 MMs
Nowadays parental leave doesn't mean cutting off all communications with the office.
In fact, many companies keep in touch with their employees taking time off to care for a child; this is done in order to notify them about important company policies, or perhaps even to promote their wellness. These communications were very important to one our clients who initiated an HR diversity program; that's why they requested our help in designing an information portal for staff members on parental leave. The customer needed the portal to provide important leave-related information - such as company policies and wellness benefits (as mentioned above). They also specified that the site should offer several different sections - articles, company updates, newsletters, and a special knowledge management system specifically designed to offer legislation-related information for parental leave-takers. Furthermore, access had to be granted only to authorized individuals – this was needed to guarantee that all of the content would be private. To further those goals, Consovenio's Microsoft partners would run the portal on a secure and password-protected platform.
As a part of our effort to make the portal a welcoming space, Consovenio began by giving careful and painstaking attention to the portal's graphic UI.
Then we went on to design the actual website using .NET and C# technologies with Microsoft Azure support. After completing the design, we then filled the website with content based on the text and media that we obtained from the HR department. But furnishing the website with content was not simply a one-time matter, but something that our team did on a regular basis. This involved publishing a summary of all articles that went into the company's weekly newsletter. It is important to note that our work involved close collaboration with the company's personnel. Since we desired our website creation process to be closely aligned with our customer's vision, we would seek out feedback for our enterprise content management system and obtain approval along the way. We would also incorporate their suggestions. One way of respecting the customer's vision was ensuring that the portal would be secure and private. That is why, as previously mentioned, we took care to generate access credentials for employees on parental leave.
Developed to our client's exact specifications, the web portal accomplished the following objectives:
Established a communication platform between the organization and its employees on parental leave
Enabled these employees to keep up with company business during their absence
Shared information that made it easier for them to resume their work upon their return to the office
Offered a special section that provided information about maternity and parental leave legislation
Our communication portal played an important role in the company's efforts to reach out to employees on parental leave. The benefits of frequently keeping these employees apprised of company news, policies, and leave-related initiatives should not be underestimated; a helpful and caring corporate presence does much to promote workplace engagement and satisfaction. To further facilitate a positive connection between parental leave-takers and HR, the client company added a contact form to solicit employee feedback about how the leave experience is going.